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ISBN: 9781333707484
Excerpt from Arcana Entomologica, or Illustrations of New, Rare, and Interesting Insects, Vol. 1 of 2As M. Rhinophyllus is the only Species hitherto described be longing to the group Mycteristes, I consider myself very fortunate in being enabled, by the kindness of H. Cumino, Esq, to commence the present work with a description and figures of both sexes of a new species brought by him from the Philippine Islands. A pair only of this beautiful species were taken, and they are destined for the cabinet of the British Museum. From rhinophyllus, however, they differ in several respects. The body inthe male (fig. 1 and 1 a) is shorter, broader at the base Of the elytra, which are more flat tened and triangular behind, and destitute of the scales which orna ment rhinophyllus, the thorax is exceedingly brilliant and polished, and the horn at its fore part is much defiexed and strongly notched at the tip, with a tubercle within, the horn of the clypeus is also furnished with a tubercle in front. The female (fig. 2) is smaller, and has the head and thorax unarmed, the elytra flatter, and not so triangular. The mesosternum (fig. 1 f) is Slightly porrected in front. And does not extend lower than the front of the metasternum. The parts of the mouth (fig. 1 b, mandible of the female, 1 c, max illa, 1 d, instrumenta labialia of the male, 1 e, ditto of the female) scarcely differ from those of rhinophyllus, the horny, lanceolate part of the mandibles is, however, shorter, there appears to me no difference between the palpi of the two sexes. The legs of the male are larger than those of the female, but the anterior pair are not so long as in rhinophyllus, and the fore tarsi are not so long as the tibiae. All the tibiae in the male are clothed for about half their apical portion on the inside with fine hairs. They are all un armed with teeth a very slight angular prominence on the outside of the four posterior tibiae obscurely indicates the place of the ordi nary teeth. Th