Venta de libros

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Venta de libros y envĂ­o a todo el mundo


ISBN: 9781498294157
Humans are happiest when they live virtuously. Building on the premise that the purpose of life is happiness conducive to the equitable flourishing of all humanity, Living Graciously on Planet Earth argues that the appropriate way to regard our abilities and moral opportunities is as gifts for the common good, to be used for the glory of God, guided by the biblical principles of stewardship and community. Utilizing a biblical approach and a Trinitarian perspective, while maintaining an appreciative eye to the contributions of the worlds living religions, Dr. Vande Kappelle argues for a hierarchy of values necessary for gracious living in the twenty-first century. Ancient wisdom claims there are seven primary virtues, four natural--prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance--and three supernatural--faith, hope, and love. As the natural virtues help us grow morally, the supernatural virtues are designed for transformation. Using insights from the Enneagram as well as from diverse scholars such as Karen Armstrong, Marcus Borg, James Fowler, Matthew Fox, C. S. Lewis, Robin W. Lovin, and Huston Smith, Living Graciously examines the seven virtues in biblical, social, and cosmic context. This books uplifting message delivers the perfect antidote to the current social malaise, characterized by arrogance, suspicion, negligence, and consumption. In addition, this book addresses difficult questions such as Do we live in a moral universe?, Is there a benevolent deity watching over us?, Is there a purpose to life on earth?, and Is there a summum bonum (a greatest good)? The answers in this insightful presentation will challenge your thinking and energize your living. Useful for individual or group use, each chapter contains aids to learning, including (a) a thesis statement indicating the central idea of the chapter, (b) a list of key biblical passages, (c) a chapter summary, and (d) questions for discussion and reflection. Robert P. Vande Kappelle, Professor Emeritus of