Venta de libros

OFERTA LUZ: 5 Cts/kWh 
Venta de libros y envĂ­o a todo el mundo


ISBN: 9781847490667
A young man on holiday in Italy walks out on his mistress and meets Anna - the beautiful, enigmatic woman who lives on a great white yacht. Anna is rich, and her life is entirely occupied with searching for her lover, the sailor from Gibraltar. She takes on the young man temporarily as her lover, and recounts to him the story of the sailor. The young man accompanies Anna on her search - a journey which takes them to France and Africa - even into the heart of the jungle. Slowly, love grows between them, and the sailor becomes not an impediment but an excuse which allows their love to flourish. Yet they exist in a state of suspension - for the sailor may always turn up to claim Anna.